All Washington Union High School Graduates will be:
Academically Successful
Students will demonstrate a connection between education and life by using comprehensive skills in reading, writing, oral communication, mathematics and critical thinking to solve personal, community and global problems. By doing so, each student will leave WUHS with skills needed to succeed in college and/or career.
Responsible Citizens
Students will demonstrate positive character traits that contribute to the quality of the school and community, an understanding of world viewpoints, the interpersonal skills necessary to work collaboratively in a culturally diverse setting.
Part of an Engaged Campus
Students, staff and parents will work together to promote membership in the classroom, athletics, campus clubs, extra-curricular activities and leadership teams to strengthen the campus culture.
Great futures begin at Washington Union High School, a place where all students are educated and empowered for success.
Core Values
Learn, Adapt, Persevere